03 June 2010

La comida vegana

Everyone wants to know what I've been eating during my trip. Are you still vegan? Are you starving? Have you caved and tried the asado? Here in Argentina, the land of beefbeefbeef and dulce de leche, my dietary choices have definitely raised some eyebrows, and downright perplexed some shop owners (tiene empanadas sin carne, pollo, pescado, queso, salsa blanca y crema?).
Well, I am still vegan (woot!), as chubby-cheeked as ever, and the smell of asado still makes me wrench and mostly, feel sad. Truth is though, Ive been eating really well, both at home and out.
Here's my first big, I-just-moved-in grocery run (delivery's free when you spend more than $50us--such luxury!). Everything I bought is readily available at every supermercado in town and costs between one quarter of US Trader Joe's prices (flour, cider), one third/half (veggie burgers, fruits, vegetables), and the same (organic chard, olive oil, frozen spinach). Yes, there is a case's-worth of soymillk (sweetened and very vanilla-y so good for drinking and baking with but not as nice in savory soups and the like), canned beans, soy milanesa and burgers (for when I'm feeling like a lazy vegan), and lots of fruits and veggies (nothing too exotic here in Argentina but a good selection nonetheless). AND, the best thing ever is that I'm not alone, haha! There are other vegetarians in town, and a few of us are getting together tomorrow night in fact to cook up a veggie feast =).

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