30 June 2010

Feliz Cumpleaños Teatro San Martin!

Woot to free theater performances in celebration of 50 years of Teatro San Martin! Double woot to the plethora of free government-sponsored dance, cinema, theater, art, and other cultural events in Buenos Aires (published weekly)! Mas informacion aqui.

29 June 2010

arteBA'10 (show closes at 20:00 today!)

Me gusta arte (obvio no?). Me gusta tanto mas cuando esta en masa en frente de mi casa! Mas fotos aqui.

Porteño Street Art

26 June 2010

Travel Snapshot...Chilean Street Food Quiz

Match the following delicious Chilean street snacks with their appropriate photo(s):
A. Barley and canned peaches soaked in syrup
B. Corn flour, spices and margarine wrapped in husks
C. Fried pumpkin/flour'tortillas' smothered in ketchup and mostaza (spiced mustard)

24 June 2010

Travel Snapshot...Views of Santiago from above

Sights (and smog) de nuestra hostal en Plaza de Armas, el Metro de Santiago, Cerro Santa Lucia, el funicular de Cerro San Cristobal, y arriba de Cerro San Cristobal.

23 June 2010

Goooooooooooooooooool! (por dos!)

My first futbol watching experience: Mundial 2010, Argentina vs. Grecia, on the big screen in a packed Plaza San Martin. Goooooooooooooool!...times two!

22 June 2010

Graduated...for now

Last Friday was the last of my Spanish classes...for now. We got our cheezy diplomas (printed and distributed before taking our final! =P) and all breathed a big sigh of relief. Three weeks of daily four hour intensive subjuntivo, imperativo, pronombres, espanolespanolespanol fueron bastante! Ahora, voy a practicar y vere si necesito mas clases despues.

Arepa Arepas!

What's the best part of having awesome Colombian roomies? Getting to meet all their Colombian friends, smelling fresh brewed Colombian coffee every morning, learning about Colombian life and culture before even getting there (including everything you wanted to know about Shakira!)...really, who can pick? Well, the best BEST part is clear--getting invited to come with to Colombian dinner parties! This weekend we made arepas caseras (that's home-made arepas) until our collective 17 bellies were filled with fried corn masa goodness. Think Salvadoran pupusas but without curtido or salsa and with the choice of frying, grilling or baking. Corn, water, salt, oil, and the optional dropped-into-the-middle egg (I had mine w/o of course). Mix, knead, pat, fry, eat, repeat. Que rico! More pics here.

19 June 2010

Travel Snapshot...Santiago to Mendoza

The seven hour cross-cordillera bus ride from Santiago to Mendoza is as impressive as everyone makes it out to be. (Thankfully, the pass was clear the day I took the journey whereas it was completely closed a few days later!) Plus, the 3-hour delay at customs flies when you have beautiful mountains to look at at the most scenic aduana post I've been to!