11 November 2012

It's contagious!

Remember baby Emily from Spring 2010? Here she is--Emily, now Sophie, and her new forever family! What an incredible feeling to know yet another one of our babies will be loved forever, and what a testament to the hard work of so many in China and Hong Kong that got her there!!
Watch the story of her journey here.


21 October 2012

Happy Ending/Start!

Just found out that one of our Beijing bebes has a new forever family in Maryland! Chokes me up every time I see photos of Ellie's happy face with her new loving parents and big sisters and brothers. Read more about their journey here.
Adoption rocks!!!

10 September 2012

15 August 2012

One year...

Last August, as I was wrapping up my term as pre-school teacher at New Hope's Beijing home and preparing to bring my third baby to Hong Kong for surgery, I wondered how I would stay connected to the inspiring and critical work that New Hope does for these beautiful babies. One year later, I resolved to help in the way we best can from afar--I asked my mom and brother to each pick a child from the New Hope babies page who I would sponsor on their behalf. Meet our kiddos Katie and Daniel!