26 May 2011

Getting out, going home

The test results are finally back--Simon's brain tumor will keep growing, albeit at a slow pace. The prognosis is grim: with side-effect-laden chemotherapy treatment, his chances of living to 10 years old are still less than half. The tumor's central location against the most important parts of the brain make it inoperable, so there is nothing left the Hong Kong neurosurgical team can do.We fly back to Beijing tomorrow where an ayi from his home unit in Henan will come to take him back for palliative care.

20 May 2011

Almost there

Out come those stitches!

12 May 2011

Rest & Recovery

24/7 rest & recovery (and post-op tantrums)

08 May 2011

Back at it

Four brain tumor pieces lighter, Simon's recovering (and eating) well.

06 May 2011

Craniotomy Checklist

Hair net, nebulizer and jams--check! Everything looks all set for Simon's operation tomorrow.