14 November 2011

10 November 2011

Xi'an deliciousness

East meets west for plenty of street snack deliciousness

03 November 2011

It's so hard to say goodbye...

Nothing I have experienced or done in my 29 years has been as meaningful as the amazing moments I have spent caring for, playing with, teaching, and loving New Hope's children. These kids are my heroes, and their guardian angels: Dr. Joyce, Rob, Dr. Steve, Laura, nurses Mona, Sharon, Edna, Erma, Claire, Cryshtel, Meja, Rhea, Lily, Heidi, Jona, and Mariah, nothing less than inspiring.

19 October 2011

14 October 2011

And work will go on...!

The first phase of setting up the farm is nearly done. Our local team will be planting, harvesting, and distributing organic rice and veggies while we're away. Wish the farm luck until spring!

11 October 2011

30 September 2011

Tagnipa village kids

Just a few of the kiddos that go to school across the road from our project...

23 September 2011

My new office

and officemate! =P

21 September 2011

Back to work

There are rice terraces to be built!