19 July 2010

Museo de Arquitectura

X-acto knife inspiration.

16 July 2010

Puerto Madero en la noche

Fun with night shots in one of Buenos Aires's fanciest hoods.

15 July 2010

Travel Snapshot...El Santuario Cañi

Beautiful, tranquil and saving the planet all at once. Check it out!

12 July 2010

Independence Daytrip to San Antonio de Areco

For the holiday weekend, I took a daytrip out to 'the prettiest town in the pampa', San Antonio de Areco, two hours by bus from the capital. After a bit of exploring the town on the tourist information lady's bike (which she lent to me when all of the official loaner bikes were taken), I enjoyed a leisurely picnic lunch by the river and then went out into the campo for a gaucho celebration of Independence Day. I couldn't ask for a more relaxing, tranquilo day! =)

09 July 2010