31 May 2010

Mi primer dia de clases de castellano

Que marvillosa es ser una estudiante de espanol aqui en Buenos Aires! Tambien, que duele mi cabeza recordar las cosas desde hace 8 anos!

Sin precio...las vistas de nuestra patio

28 May 2010

Location location location

Suerte--hoy dia, tengo mucho. I found my new home on craigslist this afternoon. My new roomies are super cool, the building is really nice, but the location has everything beat. Look--so much green!! Plus it's on the edge of one of the hippest, chicest barrios,  Palermo Soho, and it doesn't hurt that the front door is 10 meters from the Subte entrance, at multiple bus stops, and has a great view of a giant-bronze-horse's behind! And the patio...just you wait and see...=)

27 May 2010

My first-week-back-in-Buenos-Aires family

Colombia, Ireland, Bolivia, Brasil, Argentina, Argentina, Germany, China/America, Brasil represent!

24 May 2010

Chau vuelo!

I officially cancelled my flight home today at the suggestion of a very concerned and motherly Continental rep-- oh no, you don't want to be a no show dear! I had figured there was no way to recover anything from my steeply discounted ticket, and planned on just skipping it. To my surprise and delight, I get to keep my flight credit and I don't have to pick a new date yet. So, it's done-- I'm not going home on Wednesday, and I'm not a no show. Chau vuelo!

20 May 2010

No excuses

I know, I know. There are supposed to be six months of adventure stories in the space, but instead, just a silly photo of me at the beach in Pucon. It reflects perfectly how I feel about having chronicled my journey so thoroughly =P. Well, I promise, there are stories to be told, I will fill in the blanks.